Site Details: Rastech St Andrews SOI

Rastech Scottish Oceans Institute Gatty
East Sands
KY16 8LB
Operator: Rastech CIC (Fish)
Water type: Freshwater and Seawater

Inspection reports

Case Number: 2022-0550

Site is currently being broken down, with equipment and fish being transferred to new Eden site (prior approval for movements was sought as required). Once all fish and equipment have been moved to Eden, this site is to be deregistered at the request of the business.
All intake water is from mains, and is pumped into IBCs where it is passed through a sand filter, ozone, UV and activated carbon before it enters the holding facilities containing the fish. All effluent water is captured in floor drains, which all lead to a mains storage tank. Here, chlorine is added to the water and it is also treated with ozone prior to discharge into mains sewage.
The rooms and corridor are bunded and all rooms are key coded for controlled access. Only staff can access these rooms and their movements are digitally recorded for tracability.
All the fish appeared in good physical health and were active in the tanks. [Original PDF]
