Site Details: Applecross Smolt Unit 2

IV54 8XF
Operator: Bakkafrost Scotland
Water type: Freshwater

Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Stock Incident
Stock Incident
Transfers to Sea
Business contacted for further information - The smolt unit had a malfunction with a chiller unit, which resulted in loss of proper function of the bio filter. Remaining stock have been transferred to sea. No further action.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Stock Incident; Fungus
Stock Incident; Fungus
Site contacted for further information. In week 30 the site had a malfunction with a chiller unit which lead to inproper function of the units biofilters, this along with an issue with the units ozmoregulation lead to a decrease in the site water quality. Poor water quality onsite is then thought to have increased the level of fungus infections within the stocks leading to a significant mortality event. Applecross smolt unit two has since been fallowed as these fish have been transfered to sea. (Tarbet South (FS0767).
Site fallow.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Bacterial Disease (Furunculosis); Fungus
Bacterial Disease (Furunculosis); Fungus
Transfers to Sea; Increased Salinity. Business contacted: Salinity on site increased to 5ppt, some fish moved to SW sites. Remaining fish to be moved in the coming days. Update: Stock is vaccinated for furunculosis. However PCR positive detected for furunculosis, majority of population is clinically healthy. All fish showing clinical signs of disease are removed as part of routine inspection and prior to loading of fish for transport to sea.
Business contacted and awaiting further details. Updated: Further information added. Further notification is anticipated for wk 49. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Bacterial Disease (Furunculosis); Fungus
Bacterial Disease (Furunculosis); Fungus
Transfers to Sea; Increased Salinity. Business contacted: Remaining fish were not transferred to sea in wk50 but have been culled. Further notification outstanding for wk50. Affected population has been culled.
Business contacted. Affected fish culled out - no further action.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Bacterial Disease (Furunculosis)
Bacterial Disease (Furunculosis)
Cull remaining tanks
Fish culled - no further action.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Water Quality
Water Quality
Company contacted for additonal information. Awaiting reply.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Water Quality
Water Quality
Business contacted for further info. Issue with the ozone generator (a communication error) which resulted in too much ozone in the system causing gill damage. Mortalities below threshold the following week.
FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Fungus
Salt bath treatment; enhanced moribund removal
FHI to monitor

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Fungus
Salt bath treatment; enhanced moribund removal
FHI to monitor

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Fungus
Salt bath treatment; enhanced moribund removal
FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Fungus
Salt treatments
FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Fungus; Water Quality
Fungus; Water Quality
Salt treatments
FHI visit scheduled.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Fungus
Elevated salinity
FHI visit scheduled.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Fungus; Transfer
Fungus; Transfer
Elevated salinity
FHI inspection week 47, mortality dropped to 5.2%. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Fungus; Transfer
Fungus; Transfer
Elevated salinity
FHI inspection week 47. FHI to monitor.


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2023-0283

Applecross 3 new sites
Applecross Smolt Unit 2- almost complete and looking to stock 2-3 weeks time from Applecross Smolt unit. Was able to inspect all the site.
Applecross ongrowing 1- will be complete in August 2023 and was able to inspect some of the site
Applecross ongrowing 2 - will not be complete until October 2024 - not able to inspect any of the site.
One transfere line for all three sites - underground with no water return. Line out from each site joining I output pipe.
Smolt Unit 2 and Ongrowing 1 share a grading area separate from the sites. Ongrowing 2 will have its own grading area.
Sites will have site specific staff generally. Smolt unit 2 and ongrowing one are entered from a communal service corridor which has shared office and canteen space. Entry into the sites is via two separate rooms where PPE and disinfection will be carried out prior to entry. The rooms were available for inspection but sinks benches and storage for the PPE was yet to be added. Smolt Unit 2 and Ongrowing 1 have a one way fire door out of the site into the service corridor but these doors will only be used for emergency exit. Both sites will share a common food silo from where food will be piped into the sites. Ongoing 2 will have a separate food silo.
Each site will have a mort disposal cone which Morts will be tipped into and pumped to a mort disposal tank off site from where morts will be pumped into tankers for disposal. Destination not determined yet.
The plan is to grow the fish on site to 450g with an estimate of 10 million fish capacity once all three sites are running.
Vaccination will be carried out prior to input at Hatcher 2 and ongrowing 1 and 2.
All three sites will be full recirculation Smolt 2; 4 tanks 1185m cubed, Ongrowing 1; 2300m cubed, Ongrowing 2; 2300m cubed.
• Info on site separation, connectivity and movement of staff and fish between different areas/sites. Is access only from separate external doors to each site? Or are there internal doors/passages for moving between sites? Are there any fire escape routes which compromise site separation and biosecurity?
Fish will be moved on from the Applecross Hatchery for ongowing at Applecross smolt unit and Ongrowing 1 and 2.
Ongrowing 2 is not build and is due for completion in October 2024. I therefore recommend that authorisation for this site is considered at a later date when the site can be assessed. From conversations it seems that the site will be totally separate from smolt unit 2 and Ongrowing 1 although attached.
Smolt unit 2 and Ongrowing 1 are physically septate with floor to ceiling walls. They will share a service corridor which will include shared canteen and office facilities however to access each of the sites you will need to pass through one of two
PPE/disinfection rooms on either side of the service corridor. One for each site. In addition each site will have a emergency exit which will operate one way from the site into the service corridor. I was informed this would not routinely be used and only used in emergencies.
At the time of inspection the PPE/disinfection rooms were empty but I was informed disinfection points, PPE storage facilities and sinks would be put in place prior to stocking. The emergency exits were operating as a two way door but I was informed this will also be changed to a one way door with the standard fire door bar on one side. My inspection of Ongrowing 1 was limited as it is still a building site – due for completion in August 2023. I was able to view the shared service corridor and two of the tanks. I was not able to access the water treatment area for Ongrowing 1. I was informed staff would generally be assigned to work at only one site.
There is also a second area that serves the two sites. A communal grading area which is accessed externally and can supply fish to either Smolt unit 2 or ongrowing 1.
Provided the sites are operated as described I saw no risk of cross contamination between the two sites. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0513

Toxic ammonia issue in 26/07/23 - 01/08/23 caused by a blocked waste discharge pipe. Approx. 213,000 fish (31%) lost in total. Facility had been open for 2 months before issue and this was the first batch of fish on site. The blockage was caused by a foreign object being dropped. The pipe now has a grate over it to stop anything similar happening in the future. The pipe was unblocked asap and fish transferred to sea.
Prior to toxicity issue, mortality was increased due to salinity supply issue on site. This increased Saprolegnia and approx.
21,000 fish lost (2.3%). The salinity supply issue has since been rectified. The fish were sent to Tarbert South. Veterinary approval received to transfer the fish to sea.
Ongrowing 1 to be stocked in December 2023. Ongrowing 2 to be stocked in Q3 2024 (approx.)
Salinity can be increased post vaccination if health issues arise. Background salinity kept at 2ppt and raised to 5ppt to treat minor issues such as fungus post treatment.
Fish smoltification slowed artificially by controlling light exposure and temperature. Temp is kept at a constant 12 degrees C.
Before transfer to sea, light exposure to be increased. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2024-0446

Site visit conducted accompanied by APHA vet following reports of significant mortalities.
Ongoing Saprolegnia infection. Salinity increased from 5ppt to 9ppt to help mitigate the issue, and mortalities are finally dropping (5.2% in week 47 - updated 25/11/2024). The fish are currently on starve as some are due to be moved to FS1360 next week, this will help by reducing the biomass in the unit.
Mortalities have been ongoing since the end of September, when a communication failure within the ozone system resulted in too much ozone being released into the tanks and compromising the gill health of the fish (Tank 1, Jan 2024 stock). The system has since been upgraded and the site now operates on 24 hour cover, with staff working a night shift. Ozone handheld probes are also used in addition to the automated system.
2 weeks later, fish were transferred from Kinlochmoidart Hatchery (Nov 2023 stock) with a pre-existing fungus problem, these are the fish that are currently still battling the Saprolegnia infection.
During the inspection the water in the tanks appeared very turbid, due to the ozone extractor fan being switched off for the past
24 hours for a repair. The majority of the population appeared healthy, no feeding response could be observed as the fish were on starve. Several moribund fish (mostly runts) could be seen swimming in tanks 3 and 4, 10 were removed and examined internally. No gross pathology was observed and therefore no further fish were removed for diagnostic sampling.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity, thermometers are regularly checked against a mercury thermometer. The site temperature was 12.9 degrees. [Original PDF]
